Academic Programs

Academic Programs

Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Systems Technology & Biological Systems Engineering

Undergraduate Admission Graduate Admission
Students working in a lab

The Department of Biological Systems Engineering has three distinct majors, each with unique emphasis areas, in addition to master’s and doctoral programs in engineering. Applications are accepted year-round.

Undergraduate Programs

With a variety of emphasis areas and options within each of our three majors, you’re sure to find your own niche regardless of your career goals and academic interests.

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Graduate Programs

As a graduate student, you’ll have opportunities to work on labs and make significant contributions to research. Connections with industry partners also offer real-world experience.

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Contact Information

For more information on degree programs in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, contact:

Taryn King


Taryn King
Recruitment Coordinator
Deepak Keshwani

Undergraduate Programs

Dr. Deepak Keshwani
Director of Undergraduate Programs
East Campus pillars

Graduate Programs

Abigail Zagotta
Graduate Program Coordinator

Career opportunities for our graduates include:

  • Machine Testing
  • Water Resources Modeling
  • Product Management
  • Consulting
  • Equipment Design
  • Natural Resources Management
  • Water Treatment
  • Prosthetics Design
  • Wetlands Restoration
  • Food and Bioproducts Development
  • Flood Mitigation and Erosion Control
  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Medicine and research
  • Service Instructor for equipment manufacturer
  • Equipment Test Technician
  • Resource District Manger
  • Farm Management
  • Energy Use Advisor
  • Irrigation Systems Dealer
  • Agricultural Education Instructor