Agricultural Intelligence Lab

Agricultural Intelligence Lab

Research Areas

#PrecisionAgriculture  #RemoteSensing #DroneTechnology

two students carrying  a drone in the middle of a field


The Agricultural Intelligence Lab focuses on applying artificial intelligence in agricultural applications for improved productivity and sustainability. By utilizing an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) equipped with the appropriate remote sensing technology, coupled with the use of artificial intelligence and data science, powerful innovations and breakthroughs can emerge.


#SmartandAutonomous Biological Systems 

#Sustainable Engineering Systems

Drone in the Sky

Current Projects

Intelligent Spraying UAS

Although agricultural chemical applications in North America today are still dominated by large-size manned ground sprayers and aerial applicators, unmanned aerial application systems or spraying drones are beginning to emerge in the arena. They provide a practical solution in situations where ground-based spraying rigs and large manned aerial applicators cannot easily access or have lower economic gains, such as vineyards, wetlands with aquatic animals, and small fields and pastures hemmed in by trees or bordered by other hazards.

The overall goal of this project is to develop a framework for next generation unmanned aerial application systems that can be used to realize real-time sensing, computing, and site-specific aerial applications in agriculture.


Cyber Physical Systems Project

This multidisciplinary effort address challenges in today’s variable rate technology in agricultural production by tightly integrating sensing, networking, A.I., and process-based modeling with classic plant and soil biophysical principles. This integration then provides a generalizable and scalable framework for improved in-season variable-rate water and nitrogen management. Learn more

Lab Photos

  • members of the Agricultural Intelligence Lab outside Chase Hall
    Lab members in front of Chase Hall
  •  The members of the Agricultural Intelligence Lab at the annual "Drones in Agriculture" Conference held at ENREEC
    Lab members out for lunch
  • Graphic displaying Intelligent Spraying Drone process
    Graphic displaying Intelligent Spraying Drone process

Huskers Do Big Things


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-No current open positions

Undergraduates interested in volunteering in the lab contact: Dr. Yeyin Shi

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