Amy Schmidt

Avatar for Amy Schmidt

Amy Schmidt

Professor, Animal Manure Management Emphasis Area: Sustainable Engineering Systems University of Nebraska-Lincoln


CHA 216
Lincoln NE 68583-0726
BSE Front Desk - 402-472-1413


  • 30% Extension
  • 40% Research
  • 30% Animal Science

Curriculum Vitae (CV):

AMSchmidt CV Jan 2015.pdf

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Nutrients fate and transport
  • Pathogen fate and transport
  • Water quality

Extension Interests


  • Ph.D., In Biological Engineering from Mississippi State University, 2010
  • M.S., In Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University, 1999
  • B.S., In Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University, 1997
  • Licensed Professional Engineer, Mississippi


  • Ph.D.

Honors and Awards

  • Nebraska Pork Producers Association Outstanding Pork Service Award - Producer Outreach
  • Leadership Resources Success Award
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi Early Career Service State Award
  • Mississippi State University State Pride Award for Faculty Excellence
  • ASAE Outstanding Paper Award
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi State Team Award

Selected Publications

Research Publications

  • Schmidt, A.M. 2016. Emergency Holding Pond Management During Wet Weather. In cooperation with the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ). Special guidance document distributed via Nebraska Extension and the NDEQ.
  • Mun, S., Sassenrath, G.F., Schmidt, A., Lee, N., Wadsworth, M.C., Rice, B., Corbitt, J., Schneider, J.M., Tagert, M.L.M., Pote, J.W., Prabhu, R. 2015. Uncertainty analysis of an irrigation scheduling model for water management in crop production. Agricultural Water Management (155): 100-112.
  • Shapiro, C., and Schmidt, A.M. 2015. Determining crop available nutrients from manure. 2015. Nebraska Extension NebGuide G1335.
  • Watson, A.K., A.M. Schmidt, T. Klopfenstein, and G. Erickson. 2015. Anaerobic digestion offeedlot manure. 2015 Beef Cattle Report, pp. 115-116.
  • Falkenberg, S.M., A.M. Schmidt, T.B. Schmidt, N.C. Burdick, J.O. Buntyn, J.W. Dailey, R.D. Randel, and J.A. Carroll. 2012. Analysis of the optimal temporal sampling frequency to evaluate mean temperature response in cattle challenged with Lipopolysaccharide. J. Thermal Biology
  • Sassenrath, G.F., J. Schneider, and A.M. Schmidt. 2012. Parameterization of standard equations for determining daily evapotranspiration in the humid growing environment of the Mid-South. J. Irrigation and Drainage Research. (In review)
  • Schmidt, A.M., J.D. Davis, J.L. Purswell, and A.S. Kiess. 2011. Effect of moisture content on the heating profile in composted broiler litter. Transactions of the ASABE. (In review)
  • Schmidt, A.M., J.D. Davis, J.L. Purswell, Z. Fan, and A.S. Kiess. 2011. Analysis of the heating profile inwindrowed broiler litter. J Poultry Sci. (In review)
  • Ni, J.Q, A.J. Heber, T.T. Lim, P.C. Tao, and A.M. Schmidt. 2008. Methane and carbon dioxide emission from two pig finishing barns. J. Environ. Qual. 37:2001-2011.
  • Heber, A.J., J.Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, P.C. Tao, D.B. Beasley, S.J. Hoff, R.E. Nicolai, L.D. Jacobson, and Y. Zhang. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Gas concentrations. AWMA Journal 56:1472-1483.
  • Heber, A.J., T.T. Lim, J.Q. Ni, P.C. Tao, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, L.D. Jacobson, Y. Zhang, and G.B. Baughman. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Particulate matter concentrations. AWMA Journal 56:1642-1648.
  • Fulhage, C., A. Schmidt, and J. Lory. 2005. Long Term Sludge and Nutrient Accumulation in Swine Lagoons – A Case Study. 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium. North Carolina State University Animal and Poultry Waste Management Center. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 5-7, 2005.
  • Lory, J., R. Massey, J. Zulovich, J. Hoehne, A. Schmidt, M. Shannon, and C. Fulhage. 2004. An assessment of nitrogen-based manure application rates on 39 US swine operations. J. Environ. Qual. 33:1106-1113.
  • Lory, J., R. Massey, J. Zulovich, J. Hoehne, A. Schmidt, M. Shannon, and C. Fulhage. 2004. Feasibility and costs of phosphorus application limits on 39 US swine operations. J. Environ. Qual. 33:1114-1123.

Extension Publications

  • Schmidt, A.M., and J. Barrett. 2012. Testing Drinking Water and Understanding Analyses. Mississippi State University Extension Service. (In review).
  • Schmidt, A.M. 2011. Chemigation (Revision). Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication number 1551.
  • Schmidt, A.M. 2011. Irrigation Facts and Figures (Revision). Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication number F 804.
  • Schmidt, A.M., G. Sassenrath, J. Crumpton, and B. Rice. 2011. Water Conservation and Water Management Website.
  • Oldham, L., and A. Schmidt. 2011. Operating an Environmentally Compatible Livestock Operation. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication number 2658.
  • Sassenrath, G.F., D.K. Fisher, H.C. Pringle, S. Samson, and A.M. Schmidt. 2010. Irrigation Scheduling for Humid Environments – Improving Water Management, Crop Performance and Economic Return. USDA-ARS Crop Production Systems Fact Sheet No. 2010-003. November 2010.

Professional Memberships: