David Billesbach
Emeritus Professor Biological systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CHA 243
- Phone
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Atmospheric trace gas concentrations and fluxes
- Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy
- Micrometeorological eddy correlation instrumentation
- Odor detection and plume modeling
- Global climate change
- Cellulosic biofuel crops
- Water usage in the Nebraska Sandhills
- Ph.D., Physics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, M.S.
- M.S., Physics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- B.S., Physics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
- W.T. Crow, F. Lei, C. Hain, M.C. Anderson, R.L. Scott, D. Billesbach, and T. Arkebauer. 2015 Robust Estimates of Soil Moisture and Latent Heat Flux Coupling Strength Obtained from Triple Collocation, Geophys. Res. Lett. 42, 8415 – 8423
- N. Raz Yaseef, D.P. Billesbach, M.L. Fischer, S.C. Biraud, S.A. Gunter, J.A. Bradford, M.S. Torn. 2015 Vulnerability of Crops and Native Grasses to Summer Drying in the U.S. Southern Great Plains, Agric., Ecosyst. & Environ. 213, 209 – 218
- J.Shao, X Zhou, Y. Luo, B. Li, M. Aurela, D. Billesbach, P.D. Blanken, R. Bracho, J. Chen, M. Fischer, Y. Fu, L. Gu, S. Han, Y. He, T. Kolb, Y. Li, Z. Nagy, S. Niu, W.C. Oechel, K. Pinter, P. Shi, A. Suyker, M. Torn, A. Varlagin, H. Wang, J. Yan, G. Yu, J. Zhang. 2015 Biotic and Climatic Controls on Interannual Variability in Carbon Fluxes Across Terrestrial Ecosystems, Ag & Forest Met. 205, 11 – 22
- H. Yan, S. Wang, D. Billesbach, W. Oechel, G. Bohrer, T. Meyers, T.A. Martin, R. Matamala, R.P. Phillips, F. Rahman, Q. Yu, H.H. Shugart. 2015 Improved Global Simulations of Gross Primary Product Based on a New Definition of Water Stress Factor and a Separate Treatment of C3 and C4 Plants. Ecolo. Modeling, 297, 42 – 59
- S. Irmak, J.O. Payero, A. Kilic, L. Odhiambo, D. Rudnick, V. Sharma, D. Billesbach. 2014 On the Magnitude and Dynamics of Eddy Covariance Residual Energy (Energy Closure Error) in Subsurface Drip-irrigated Maize Field During Growing and Non-growing (Dormant) Seasons. Irrig. Sci. 32, 471 – 483
- W.J. Riley, S.C. Biraud, M.S. Torn, M.L. Fischer, J.A. Berry, and D.P. Billesbach. 2008. Inter-annual Regional CO2 and Latent Heat Surface Fluxes in the Southern Great Plains: Measurement, Modeling, and Scaling., J. Geophysical Res. – Biogeosciences
- T.G. Gilmanov, T.P. Meyers, B.K. Wylie, D.P. Billesbach, D.R. Cook, R.L. Coulter, W.A. Dugas, J.M. Ham, J.L Heilman, M.W. Heuer, R. Matamala, C.E. Owensby, J.H. Prueger, M.S. Torn, and S.B. Verma. 2008. Gross Productivity, Ecosystem Respiration, and Light-Response Parameters of Tallgrass Ecosystems Derived from Flux Tower Data. Global Change Biology (in press)
- Marc L. Fischer, David P. Billesbach, Joseph A. Berry, William J. Riley, and Margaret S. Torn. 2007. Spatiotemporal Variations in Growing Season Exchanges of CO2 , H2O and Sensible Heat in Agricultural Fields of the Southern Great Plains, Earth Interactions, 11 DOI: 10.1175/EI231.1
- Billesbach, D.P. 2005. A Season-long Comparison of Three Infrared Gas Analyzers Used for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements of CO2 and H2O. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech.
- D.P. Billesbach, M.L. Fischer, M.S. Torn, and J.A. Berry. 2004. A Portable Eddy Covariance System for the Measurement of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange of CO2, Water Vapor, and Energy, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech. 21, 639-650
- Billesbach, J. Kim, R.J. Clement, S.B. Verma, and F.G. Ullman. 1998. An intercomparison of two tunable diode laser spectrometers used for Eddy Correlation Measurements of methane flux in a prairie wetland. J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech., 15, p. 197.
- Kim, J., S.B. Verma, and D.P. Billesbach. 1998. Seasonal variation in methane emission from a temperate phragmites-dominated marsh: effect of growth stage and plant-mediated transport. Global Change Biology, 5:433.
- Kim, J., S.B. Verma, D.P. Billesbach, and R.J. Clement. 1998. Diel variation in methane emission from a midlatitude prairie wetland: significance of convective throughflow in phragmites australis. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 28, 029.
- Kim, S., D.P. Billesbach, and R. Dillon. 1997. TDLS measurements of CH3 and C2H2 densities in an RF CVD diamond system. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 15, 2247.
- Suyker, A.E., S.B. Verma, R.J. Clement, and D.P. Billesbach. 1996. Methane flux in a boreal fen: season-long measurement by eddy correlation. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 28637.
Symposium or Workshop Proceedings:
- D.P. Billesbach and T.J. Arkebauer. 2007. Surface Water Balance in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Invited presentation at the International Workshop on Semi-Arid Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Lanzhou, China.
- C.G. Henry, P.C. D'Aberton, R.J. Ormerod, G.G. Galvin, S.J. Hoff, L.D. Jacobson, D.D. Schulte, and D.P. Billesbach. 2007. Downwind Odor Predictions from Four Swine Finishing Barns Using CALPUFF. International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture CD-ROM Proceedings, Sept. 16-19 Broomfield, CO. ASABE Publication Number 701P0907cd.
- D.D. Schulte, R.R. Modi, C.G. Henry, R.R. Stowell, D.P. Billesbach, S.J. Hoff, and L.D. Jacobson. 2007. Modeling Odor Dispersion From a Swine Facility Using AERMOD. International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture CD-ROM Proceedings, Sept. 16 – 19 Broomfield, CO. ASABE Publication Number 701P0907cd.
- C.G. Henry, D.D. Schulte, R.K. Koelsch, R.R. Stowell, D.P. Billesbach, N. Ebrahim, A.M. Parkhurst, D.B. Parker. 2006. Comparing Field Odor Assessment Methods With an Atmospheric Dispersion Model for Calibrating Setback Estimation Tools for Livestock Facilities. Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science Potomac, MD. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- Alexander, Donee D., David P. Billesbach, and Dennis D. Schulte. Calibration of Carboxen/PDMS SPME Fibers for Quantification of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ambient Air Conditions. AWMA Proceedings.
- Billesbach, D., F. Ullman, and S. Verma. 1996. An intercomparison of two tunable diode laser spectrometers used for Eddy Correlation Measurements of methane flux. SPIC Proceedings 2834, p.187.
- Zhong, X., S. Kim, P.F. Williams, N.J. Ianno, and D. Billesbach. 1996. CH3 Concentration Measurements in a CH4 ECR Plasma by Infrared Tunable Diode Laser Absorption. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Plasma Processing of Semiconductors, Chateau de Bonas, France.
Book Chapters:
- N.J. Shurpali, S.B. Verma, R.J. Clement, J. Kim, D.P. Billesbach, and T.J. Arkebauer. 2009. Eddy Covariance Measurements of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Exchanges in a Minnesota Peatland Chapter in 50th Anniversary of the Marcell Experimental Forest (in press)
- Billesbach, D.P. 1995. Trace gas and energy fluxes: micrometeorological perspectives chapter in soils and global change. Advances in Soil Science, 30:(361-375).