David P. Shelton
Emeritus Professor Biological systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CHA 243
- Phone
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Primary program area is soil and water conservation. Particular emphasis is on crop residue management for soil erosion control.
- M.Eng. Engineering, Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
- B.S. Agricultural Engineering, Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
- A.S. Engineering Science, Broome Community College - Binghamton, NY
Honors and Awards
- Holling Family Distinguished Engineering Educator
- ASAE Mid-Central Conference Young Member of the Year Award; 1990
- ASAE Nolan Mitchell Young Extension Worker Award for Engineering Achievement; 1991
- ASAE Honorable Mention Paper Award 1992
- ASAE Blue Ribbon Awards (17) for Extension publications, materials, & special programs; 1983-97
- USDA/SCS Crop Residue Management Award for videotape development; 1994
- Named as an "Outstanding Reviewer for the Soil & Water Division of ASAE," 1994
- Nebraska Cooperative Extension Excellence in Team Programming Awards; 1989, 1991
- Epsilon Sigma Phi Team Award for "An outstanding effort of producing useful research and transferring the findings to clientele," 2000
Selected Publications
- Shelton, David P. 2004. Crop Residue Cover and Manure Incorporation - Part I: Reduction of Percent Cover. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 20(5):605-611.
- Shelton, David P. 2004. Crop Residue Cover and Manure Incorporation - Part II: Factors Influencing Cover Reduction. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 20(5):613-621
- Shapiro, C.A., D.L. Holshouser, W.L. Kranz, D.P. Shelton, J.F. Witkowski, K.J. Jarvi, G.W. Echtenkamp, L.A. Lunz, R.D. Frerichs, R.L. Brentlinger, M.A. Lubberstedt, M. McVey McCluskey, and W.W. Stroup. 2001. Tillage and management alternatives for returning Conservation Reserve Program land to crops. Agronomy Journal 93:850-862.
- Burr, Charles A. and David P. Shelton. 2001. Winter Weathering and Other Influences on Percent Soybean Residue Cover. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(2):159-164.
- Shelton, D.P., M.A. Schroeder, S.D. Kachman, J.A. Gosey, and P.J. Jasa. 1997. Cattle grazing influences on percentage corn residue cover. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 52(3):203-206.
- Brumm, M.C., D.P. Shelton, and J.M. Dahlquist. 1995. Interaction of diet composition and a reduced nocturnal temperature regimen in weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 73(9):2518-2523.
- Shelton, D.P., E.C. Dickey, S.D. Kachman, and K.T. Fairbanks. 1995. Corn residue cover on the soil surface after planting for various tillage and planting systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 50(4):399-404.
- Shelton, D.P., S.D. Kachman, E.C. Dickey, K.T. Fairbanks, and P.J. Jasa. 1994. Tillage and planting system, stalk chopper, and knife applicator influences on corn residue cover. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 10(2):255-261.
- Shelton, D.P. 1997. Reduction of crop residue cover by manure injection equipment. Proc. Livestock and the Environment Symposium, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4 pp.
- McCluskey, M.M., D.L. Holshouser, W.L. Kranz, C.A. Shapiro, D.P. Shelton, J.F. Witkowski, and K.J. Jarvi. 1996. Weed population dynamics of conservation reserve land returned to crop production. Proc. North Central Weed Science Society, 49:118.
- Holshouser, D., K. Jarvi, W. Kranz, M. McVey McCluskey, C. Shapiro, D. Shelton, J. Witkowski and S. Hygnstrom. 1995. Cropping systems for returning conservation reserve program acres to production. In: Kansas/Nebraska Sorghum Research Conference, September, pp.1.
- Powell, T.A. and D.P. Shelton. 1994. Experiences on home study courses in Nebraska. In: The Information Age: What It Means for Extension and Its Constituents. Proc. North Central Region Extension Workshop for Marketing and Management Specialists, St. Louis, MO, pp. 247-249.
- Shelton, D. P. 1994. Using home study courses for program delivery. In: Proc. North Central Region Extension Agricultural and Biological Engineer's Workshop. St. Paul, MN, 2 pp. Shelton, D.P. 1997. Overview of land application technologies. Proc. Livestock and the Environment Symposium. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 5pp.
- Shelton, David P., Rodney A. Wilke, Thomas G. Franti, and Scott J. Josiah. 2005. "FarmLink" - Promoting Conservation One-to-One. ASAE Technical Paper MC05-105. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI. 9 p.
- Cermak, Justin D., Thomas G. Franti, and David P. Shelton. 2004. Feasibility of Developing a Runoff Simulator for Conservation Buffer Evaluation. ASAE Technical Paper MC04-303. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI. 21 p.
- Shelton, David P. 2000. Manure Incorporation Equipment Influences on Corn and Soybean Residue Cover. ASAE Technical Paper MC2000-125. ASAE. St. Joseph, MI. 12 p.
- Shelton, D.P., M.A. Schroeder, S.D. Kachman, J.A. Gosey, and P.J. Jasa. 1995. Cattle grazing influences on corn residue cover. ASAE Technical Paper MC95-112, Joseph, MI 9pp
- Shelton, David P. 2005. Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover - Part I: Reduction of Cover. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska NebGuide G05-1563-A. 4p.
- Shelton, David P. 2005. Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover - Part II: "Fine-Tuning" the System. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska NebGuideG05-1564-A. 4p.
- Grisso, R.D. D.P. Shelton, and K. Von Bargen. 1996. Gear up and throttle down - saving fuel. NebGuide G96-1296-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4p.
- Bodman, G.R. and D.P. Shelton. 1995. Ventilation fans: types and sizes. NebGuide G95-1243-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4pp.
- Bodman, G.R. and D.P. Shelton. 1995. Ventilation fans: performance. NebGuide G95-1242, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4pp.
- Shelton, D.P and G.R. Bodman. 1995. Ventilation fans: efficiency and maintenance. NebGuide G95-1244-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4pp.
- Shelton, D.P., P.J. Jasa, J.A. Smith, and R. Kanable. 1995. Estimating percent residue cover. NebGuideG95-1132-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4 pp.
- Shelton, D.P., J.A. Smith, P.J. Jasa, and R. Kanable. 1995. Estimating percent residue cover using the calculation method. NebGuide G95-1135-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 4 pp.
- Jones, D. and D.P. Shelton. 1994. Management to maintain stored grain quality. NebGuide G94-1199-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Shelton, David P. 2004. Crop Residue Cover and Manure Incorporation - Part I: Reduction of Cover. 2004 Nebraska Swine Report. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska. EC 04-219-A. pp 50-53.
- Shelton, David P. 2004. Crop Residue Cover and Manure Incorporation - Part II: "Fine-Tuning" the System. 2004 Nebraska Swine Report. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska. EC 04-219-A. pp 53-57
- Shelton, David P. 2001. Residue Cover. In: Nebraska Soybean Field Guide. Cooperative Extension University of Nebraska. Lincoln, NE. Extension Circular EC-01-146-D. pp. 67-77.
- Brumm, M.C. and D.P. Shelton. 1994. Degrees and diets for weaned pigs. 1994 Nebraska Swine Report. Extension Circular EC93-219-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, pp. 22-24.
- Shapiro, C., M.Lubberstedt, L. Lunz, J. Echtenkamp, B. Kranz, S. Rasmussen D. P. Shelton, K. Jarvi, J. Witkowski, R. Frerichs, R. Brentlinger, T. Gompert, A. Martin, P. Jasa, B. Klein. 2000. Returning CRP land to crops: grass management/cropping suggestions for land released in winter or early spring months. NebFact NF98-385, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Shapiro, C., M.Lubberstedt, L. Lunz, J. Echtenkamp, B. Kranz, S. Rasmussen D. P. Shelton, K. Jarvi, J. Witkowski, R. Frerichs, R. Brentlinger, T. Gompert, A. Martin, P. Jasa, B. Klein. 2000. Returning CRP land to crops: cool-season grass management/cropping suggestions. NebFact NF97-324, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Shapiro, C., M.Lubberstedt, L. Lunz, J. Echtenkamp, B. Kranz, S. Rasmussen D. P. Shelton, K. Jarvi, J. Witkowski, R. Frerichs, R. Brentlinger, T. Gompert, A. Martin, P. Jasa, B. Klein. 2000. Returning CRP land to crops: warm-season grass management/cropping suggestions. NebFact NF97-343, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Shelton, David P. 2000. Manure Incorporation and Crop Residue Cover - Evaluation of Components. Nebraska Pork Talk 32(2):13-15.
- Shelton, D.P., J.A. Smith, P.J. Jasa, and R. Kanable. 1996. Plan now to measure your residue cover - the calculation method. National Conservation Tillage Digest, 3(2):24-26, 36.
- Shelton, D.P., R. Kanable, and P. J. Jasa. 1996. Residue management - estimating percent residue cover using the line-transect method. National Conservation Tillage Digest, 3(4):16-17.
- Shelton, D.P., R. Kanable, and P.J. Jasa. 1996. Estimating percent residue cover using the photo-comparison method. National Conservation Tillage Digest, 3(5):16-18.
- Shelton, D.P., G. R. Bodman, and D.D. Jones. 1998. Using existing buildings for temporary grain storage. In: Stored Grain In-service Training Notebook, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 3 pp.
- Shelton, D.P. and D.D. Jones. 1998. Management - the key to maintaining stored grain quality. In: Stored Grain In-service Training Notebook, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 7 pp.
- Shelton, D.P., D.D. Jones, and G.R. Bodman. 1998. Emergency grain storage. In: Stored Grain In-service Training Notebook, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 5 pp.
- Shelton, D.P., D.D. Jones, and K.J. Jarvi. 1998. Initial condition determines quality of stored grain. In: Stored Grain In-service Training Notebook, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 3 pp.
- Shelton, D.P., D.D. Jones, and K.J. Jarvi. 1998. Prepare grain bins and equipment for harvest. In: Stored Grain In-service Training Notebook, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 2 pp.