Derrel L. Martin
Emeritus Professor Biological systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CHA 243
Lincoln NE 68583-0726 - Phone
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Irrigation engineering and management
- Groundwater quality
- Water resources engineering
- Field studies, modeling and optimization research on managing irrigation
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and decision support systems
Teaching Interests
- Irrigation and drainage systems
Extension Education
- Water resources
- Agricultural water management
- Remote sensing of evapotranspiration
- Impact of conservation practices on surface hydrology and infiltration.
- Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering, Colorado State University
- M.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- B.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Registered Professional Engineer, Nebraska
• Ph.D., P.E.
Honors and Awards
- Member in Honorary Societies: Alpha Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Sigma Xi
- Outstanding Scientist Award from Sigma Xi: 1980
- Honorable Mention ASAE Paper Award: 1981
- Outstanding Reviewer for Soil and Water Division of ASAE: 1989
- Who's Who in Engineering and Science: 1991-present
- USDA Unit Award for Distinguished Service: 1992
- Honorable Mention ASAE Paper Award: 1995
- Who's Who in the Midwest: 1997-present
- Outstanding Service to College of Engineering: 2001
- Engineer of the Year, Nebraska Section of ASAE: 2001
- Admiral in Nebraska Navy, 2002
- Fellow of ASAE, 2003
Selected Publications
- Irmak, A., P., Ranade, D. Marx, S. Irmak, K.G. Hubbard, G.E. Meyer, and D.L. Martin. 2010. Spatial interpolation of climate variables in Nebraska. Transactions of the ASABE 53(6):1759-1771.
- Van Donk, S.J., D.L. Martin, S. Irmak, S.R. Melvin, J.L. Petersen, and D.R. Davison. 2010. Crop residue cover effects on evaporation, soil water content, and yield of deficit-irrigated corn in west-central Nebraska. Transactions of the ASABE 53(6):1787-1797.
- Irmak, S., T.A. Howell, R.G. Allen, J.O. Payero, and D.L. Martin. 2005. Standardized ASCE Penman-Monteith: Impact of sum-of-hourly and 24-hr-average reference evapotranspiration computations at reference weather station sites. Transactions of the ASAE. (in press)
- Arumí, J.L. , D. L. Martin, and D. G. Watts. 2004. Semi-analytical Model of the Flow of Water through the Intermediate Vadose Zone. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. (in press)
- Arumí, J.L. , D. L. Martin, and D. G. Watts. 2004. Modeling the Effects of Agriculture Management Practices on Ground Water. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. (in press)
- Irmak, S., J.O. Payero, D.L. Martin, R.G. Allen, and T.A. Howell. 2004. Sensitivity analyses and sensitivity coefficients of standardized 24-hr time step ASCE-Penman-Monteith equation. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. (in press)
- Boldt, A.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, D.L. Martin, and G.J. Wilmes. 1999. Water conservation practices for a river valley irrigated with groundwater. Agricultural Water Management, 38(3): 235-256.
- Martin, D.L. 1999. Adoption of center pivot irrigation. Irrigation Journal, 49(2):8-10, March.
- Martin, D.L. and D.G. Watts. 1999. Evaluation of the root zone water quality model for conditions in central Nebraska. Agron. J., 92(2):201-211. (NAES Paper No. 11988)
- Parker, D.B., D.E. Eisenhauer, D.D. Schulte, and D.L. Martin. 1999. Modeling seepage from an unlined beef cattle feedlot runoff storage pond. Trans. of the ASAE, 42(5):1437-1445. (ARD Journal Series No. 12610)
- Enciso-Medina, J., D.L. Martin, and D.E. Eisenhauer. 1998. Infiltration model for furrow irrigation. J. Irrig. and Drain. Engr., ASCE, 124(2): 73-80.
- Enciso, J.M. and D.L. Martin. 1997. Simulation of surface irrigation strategies with limited water supplies. Hydraulic Engineering in Mexico (in Spanish), Xii(1):41-46.
- Thompson, A.L., D.L. Martin, J.M. Norman, J.A. Tolk, T.A. Howell, J.R. Gilley, and A.D. Schneider. 1997. Testing of a water loss distribution model for moving sprinkler systems. Trans. of the ASAE, 40(1):81-88.
- Weiss, A., T.J. Arkebauer, D.G. Watts, and D.L. Martin. 1997. Dealing with graduate students who have difficulties. American Society of Agronomy, Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education, 26(2):125-128.
- Coelho, R.D., D.L. Martin, and F.H. Chaudrhy. 1996. Effect of LEPA irrigation on storage in implanted reservoirs. Transactions of the ASAE, 39(4):1287-1298.
- Sauer, A.N., J.W. Boerner, D.E. Eisenhauer, C.D. Yonts, and D.L Martin. 1996. A portable electronic indicator for head measurement with long-throated flumes. Trans. of the ASAE, 39(5):1739-1741.
- Wilmes, G.W., D.L. Martin, and R.J. Supalla. 1994. Decision support systems for design of center pivots. Trans. of the ASAE, 37(1):165-175.
- Yeboah, O.A., R.J. Supalla, and D.L. Martin. 1999. Welfare differences between gross water pumped and consumptive use as alternative policy control variables to meet aquifer management objectives. American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Nashville, TN, August 8-11.
- Skonard, C.J., Y.E. Yildirim, D.L. Martin and R.J. Supalla. 1999. Impact of Center Pivot Irrigation on Groundwater Quality. ASAE Paper No. 99-2057. Presented at the ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 18-21, 1999.
- Skonard, C.J., Y.E. Yildirim and D.L. Martin. 1999. Effect of Surface Irrigation Management on the Spatial Distribution of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Groundwater. ASAE Paper No. 99-2085. Presented at the ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 18-21, 1999.
- Martin, D.L., S. Bai and W.L. Kranz. 1999. Simulation of Runoff Potential from Center Pivot Irrigation Systems. ASAE Paper No. 99-2053. Presented at the ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 18-21, 1999.
- Martin, D.L., J.L. Arumi and D.G. Watts. 1999. Model of the Transport of Water and Nutrients Through the Vadose Zone. ASAE Paper No. 99-2065. Presented at the ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 18-21, 1999.
- Martin, D.L. and D.G. Watts. 1997. Effect of irrigation management practices on crop production and nitrate leaching. Proc. Water Management Conference sponsored by the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Fargo, ND, July 16-19. (in press)
- Martin, D.L. and D.G. Watts. 1997. Effect of irrigation management practices on crop production and nitrate leaching. Proc. Water Management Conference sponsored by the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Fargo, ND, July 16-19. (in press)
- Yildirim, Y.E., D.L. Martin, and D.G. Watts. 1997. GIS-based field scale model for evaluating best management practices. Proc. USCID Conference on Best Management Practices for Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment. Fargo, ND, July 16 - 19.
- Boldt, A.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, D.L. Martin, and G.J Wilmes. 1996. Irrigation water conservation practices for the Central Platte Valley, Nebraska. Proc. 1996 Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium, Kearney, NE, February 27, pp. 31-49.
- Clyma, H.E. and D.L. Martin. 1996. Irrigation management using fuzzy logic. In: Proceeding of the International Conference on Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling. ASAE, November 3-6, San Antonio, TX, pp. 1134-1139.
- Hoffman, G.J. and D. L. Martin. 1996. Irrigation management to conserve water resources in arid zones. Proc. Third USA/CIS Joint Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology, American Institute of Hydrology (AIH), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 22-27, pp. 204-209.
- Thompson, A.L., D.L. Martin, J.M. Norman, and T.A. Howell. 1996. Scheduling effects on evapotranspiration with overhead and below canopy application. In: Proc. International Conference on Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling, ASAE, San Antonio, TX, November 3-6, pp. 182-188.
- Eisenhauer, D., A. Boldt, B. Brown, J. Cahoon, D. Fekersillassie, U.G. Iyer, D. Heftie, P. Mandel, D. Martin, M. Norton, D. Watts, and C.D. Yonts. 1995. Furrow irrigation management for improved water quality. Proc. Clean Water-Clean Environment-21st Century Conference. Vol. III: Practices, Systems & Adoption, 93-96, March 5-8, Kansas City, MO.
- Martin, D.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Volkmer, and A.L. Boldt. 1995. Separate placement of nitrogen and irrigation water to reduce leaching. In: Clean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century. Proc. Working Group on Water Quality--US Department of Agriculture, Kansas City, MO, March 5-8, 2:127-130
- Martin, D.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Volkmer, and A.L. Boldt. 1995. Impact of tillage and sprinkler packages on center pivot efficiency. Proc. Clean Water-Clean Environment-21st Century Conference. Vol. III: Practices, Systems & Adoption, 187-190, March 5-8, Kansas City, MO.
- Martin, D.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Volkmer, and A.L. Boldt. 1995. Separate placement of nitrogen and irrigation water to reduce leaching. In: Clean Water - Clean Environment - 21st Century. Proc. Working Group on Water Quality--US Department of Agriculture, Kansas City, MO, March 5-8, 2:127-130
- Martin, D.L., J.L. Arumi, and D.G. Watts. 1999. Model of the transport of water and nutrients through the vadose zone. ASAE Paper No. 99-2065, Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18-21.
- Martin, D.L., S. Bai, and W.L. Kranz. 1999. Simulation of runoff potential from center pivot irrigation systems. ASAE Paper No. 99-2053, Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18-21.
- Skonard, C.J., Y.E. Yildirim, and D.L. Martin. 1999. Effect of surface irrigation management on the spatial distribution of nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater. ASAE Paper No. 99-2085, International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18-21.
- Skonard, C.J., Y.E. Yildirim, D.L. Martin, and R.J. Supalla. 1999. Impact of center pivot irrigation on groundwater quality. ASAE Paper No. 99-2057, Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 18-21.
- Coelho, R.D., D.L. Martin and F.H. Chaudrhy. 1997. Optimal economic emitter spacing on center pivot - LEPA irrigation systems. ASAE Paper No. 97-2215, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14.
- Enciso-Medina, J., D.L. Martin, and J.R. Gilley. 1997. Analyzing the cost-flexibility relation of low pressure irrigation networks. ASAE Paper No. 97-2221, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14.
- Kodal, S., D.L. Martin, Y.E. Yildirim, M.F. Selemay, and F.K. Soumez. 1997. Irrigation scheduling, farm optimization and optimum water distribution with adequate and limited water supply: a case study in central Anatolia Turkey. ASAE Paper No. 97-2182, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14.
- Martin, D.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, and M. Volkmer. 1997. Design of LEPA irrigation systems. ASAE Paper No. 97-2212, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-14.
- Coelho, R.D., D.L. Martin, and F.H. Chaudrhy. 1995. Degradation of surface storage with LEPA irrigation. ASAE Technical Paper No. 95-2415. Presented at the Meeting of the ASAE. Chicago, IL, June 18-23.
- Thompson, A.L., D.L. Martin, J.M. Norman, and T.A. Howell. 1995. Irrigation scheduling effects on water loss partitioning for sprinkler irrigation. ASAE Paper No. 95-2417, Chicago, IL, June 18-23.
- Klocke, N.L., R.W. Todd, J.P. Schneekloth, and D.L. Martin. 1994. Partitioning of evapotranspiration in irrigated crops. ASAE Paper No. 94-2019, Summer Meeting, Kansas City, MO, June 19-22.
- Thompson, A.L., D.L. Martin, J.M. Norman, J.R. Gilley, and T.A. Howell. 1994. Modeling water losses from moving sprinkler systems. ASAE Paper No. 94-2174, Summer Meeting, Kansas City, MO, June 19-22.
- Yonts, C.D., N. Klocke, W.L. Kranz, D.L. Martin, and K. Wertz. 1997. Application uniformity of in-canopy sprinklers. NebGuide G97-1337-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Yonts C.D., N. Klocke, W.L. Kranz, D.L. Martin, and K. Wertz. 1997. Water loss from above-canopy and in-canopy sprinklers. NebGuide G97-1328-A, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Klocke, N.L., J.E. Cahoon, D.E. Eisenhauer, D.R. Hay, G.J. Hoffman, W.L. Kranz, D.L. Martin, D.G. Watts, and C.D. Yonts. 1994. Water management for irrigation in Nebraska. NebFact: NF93-140, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension.
- Martin, D.L. 1999. Adoption of Center Pivot Irrigation. March Issue of the Irrigation Journal 49(2): 8-10.
- Hoffman, G.J. and D.L. Martin. 1995. Enhanced surface irrigation systems. The UK Irrigation Association, No. 24, Winter, pp. 65-68.
- Hoffman, G.J. and D.J. Martin. 1995. Advanced irrigation engineering. The UK Irrigation Association, No. 24, Winter, pp. 69-76. (Popular Publication)
- Hoffman, G.J. and D.L. Martin. 1994. Enhanced surface irrigation systems. International Water and Irrigation Review, 14(1):8-11. (Popular Publication)
- Hoffman, G.J. and D.L. Martin. 1994. Advanced irrigation engineering. International Water and Irrigation Review, 14(2):24-30.
Book Contributions
- Irrigation Water Requirements (chapter) for the USDA-SCS National Engineering Handbook Series: Part 623, Chapter 2. USDA-SCS. 284 p.