Greg Bashford
Professor and Biomedical Engineer Chair, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Emphasis Area: Biomedical Engineering, Health, and Safety Systems University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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CHA 230
Lincoln NE 68583-0726 - Phone
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- 50% Teaching
- 50% Research
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Biomedical imaging
- Noninvasive blood flow velocity measurement
- Transcranial Doppler for neurosonology applications
- Biosignal processing
Teaching Interests
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biosignals & Systems
- Medical Imaging
- Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Duke University
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Registered Professional Engineer, Nebraska
• PhD, PE
Research Profiles:
In the News
- May 17, 2023: Altman receives NSF fellowship to pursue machine learning and artificial intelligence imaging research
- US7118907, Single Molecule Detection Systems and Methods
- US6869764, Nucleic Acid Sequencing Using Charge-Switch Nucleotides
- US6760486, Flash Artifact Suppression in Two-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging
- US6318179, Ultrasound based quantitative motion measurement using speckle size estimation
- US6048312, Method and Apparatus for Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging of Biopsy Needle
- US6074347, Method and Apparatus for Controlling Acoustic Signal Bandwidth in an Ultrasonic Diagnostic Imaging System
- US6135962, Method and Apparatus for Adaptive Filtering by Counting Acoustic Sample Zeroes in Ultrasound Imaging
- US5976087, Method and Apparatus for Controlling Acoustic Signal Bandwidth in an Ultrasonic Diagnostic Imaging System.
Courses Taught
- Biomedical Signal and System Analysis (BSEN 311)
- Medical Imaging Systems (BSEN 414/814)
- Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging (BSEN 912)
- Instrumentation I (BSEN 260)
Honors and Awards
- Honorary Member, Innocents Society, 2017
- Holling Family Distinguished Senior Faculty Teaching Award, 2016
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln Parents Association Recognition Award, 2016
- Qassim University Collaborator Appreciation Award, 2014
- UNL Parents Association Recognition Award, 2014
- Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, Parents Association, 2008
- Holling Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award, College of Engineering, 2007
- People Who Inspire Award, Mortar Board, 2007
- Appreciation Award, Parent Council, 2006
- Bright Lights Educator Appreciation Award, 2006
- Dinsdale Faculty Award, Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2005
- Holling Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award (Nominated), College of Engineering, 2004
- Props to Profs Award, College of Engineering Student Advisory Board, 2003
- Senior Member, IEEE, 2002
- GE Management Award, 1998, 1999
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
Kulig, K., Chang, Y., Winiarski, S., and Bashford, G. R., “Ultrasound Based Tendon Micromorphology Predicts Mechanical Characteristics of Degenerated Tendons,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 664-673
Engel, A. J. and Bashford, G. R., “A New Method for Fast Shear Wave Speed Estimation in Shear Wave Elastography,” IEEE Trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferro., and Freq. Control, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 2106-2114
Ketcham, T., Twedt, M., Lim, D., Bashford, G. R., and Hawks, J., “Proof-of-Concept Prototype for Noninvasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring using Ocular Hemodynamics under Applied Force,” Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 21-24
Kulig K., Oki K.C., Chang Y.J., and Bashford, G. R., “Achilles and Patellar Tendon Morphology in Dancers with and without Tendon Pain,” Med. Probl. Perform. Art., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 221-228
Xu, T., Hozan, M., and Bashford, G. R., “In vivo Lateral Blood Flow Velocity Measurement using Speckle Size Estimation,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 931-937
Furtaw, M., Anderson, J., Middendorf, L., and Bashford, G. R., “Near-Infrared, Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence Using Silver Nanoparticle Aggregates in Solution,” Plasmonics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 27-34
Xu, T. and Bashford, G. R., “Two-Dimensional Blood Flow Velocity Estimation using Ultrasound Speckle Pattern Dependence on Scan Direction and A-Line Acquisition Velocity,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelec., and Freq. Control, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 898-908
Kulig, K., Landel R., Chang Y.-J., Hannanvash N., Reischl S. F., Song P., and Bashford, G. R., “Patellar Tendon Morphology in Volleyball Athletes with and without Patellar Tendinopathy,” Scand J. Med. Sci. Sports, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 81–88
Kulig K., Lederhaus E., Reischl S. Arya S., and Bashford G. R. Does a 10-week Tendon Specific Eccentric Exercise Program Alter the Degenerated Tibialis Posterior Tendon? Foot and Ankle International
Finni, T., Kovanen, V., Ronkainen, P. H. A., Pöllänen, E., Bashford, G. R., Kaprio, J., Alén, M., Kujala, U. M., and S. Sipilä. 2009. Combination of Hormone Replacement Therapy and High Physical Activity is Associated with Differences in Achilles Tendon Size in Monozygotic Female Twin Pairs. Journal of Applied Physiology 106, 1332-1337.
Xu, T. and Bashford, G. R. 2009. Optimal Thresholds of Feature Tracking for Blood Velocity and Tissue Motion Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2624 – 2629.
Bashford, G. R., Tomsen, N., Arya, S., Burnfield, J. M., and Kulig, K. 2008. Tendinopathy Discrimination by Use of Spatial Frequency Parameters in Ultrasound B-mode Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 608-615.
Bashford, G. R., Lamb, D., Grone, D., Eckles, B., Kornelsen, K., Middendorf, L., and J. Williams. 2008. Automated bead-trapping apparatus and control system for single-molecule DNA sequencing. Optics Express 16, 3445-3455.
Burnfield, J. M., Jorde, A. G., Augustin, T. R., Augustin, T. A., and Bashford, G. R. 2007. Variations in Plantar Pressure Variables Across Five Cardiovascular Exercises. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2012-2020.
Bashford, G. R. and Robinson D. J. 2007. Direct Comparison of Feature Tracking and Autocorrelation for Ultrasonic Detection of Blood Flow, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 757-767.
Morse, J. L., Jung, M. C., Bashford, G. R., and Hallbeck, M. S. 2006. Maximal Dynamic Grip Force and Wrist Torque: The Effects of Gender, Exertion Direction, Angular Velocity, and Wrist Angle, Applied Ergonomics, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 737-742.
Bashford, G. R. and Morse, J. L. 2006. Circular Ultrasound Compounding by Designed Matrix Weighting, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 732-741.
Bashford, G. R. and O. T. von Ramm.1996. Ultrasound Three-Dimensional Velocity Measurements by Feature Tracking, IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelec., and Freq. Control. , vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 376-84.
Bashford, G. R. and O. T. von Ramm.1995. Speckle Structure in Three Dimensions, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 35-42.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:
Rawat, M., Burnfield, J. M., Song, P., Arya, S., Bashford, G. R., and Kulig, K. 2010. Morphological Adaptations in Lower Extremity Tendons Following Spinal Cord Injury. American Physical Therapy Association-Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, (abstract).
Song, P., Davis, L. M., and Bashford, G. R. 2009. Single Molecule Diffusion Coefficient Estimation by Image Analysis of Simulated CCD Images to Aid High-Throughput Screening. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 1396 – 1399,
Song, P., Linstrom, K. R., Boye, A. J., Kulig, K., Burnfield, J. M., and Bashford, G. R. 2009. Tendinopathy Discrimination Using Spatial Frequency Parameters and Artificial Neural Networks. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1902 - 1905.
Xu, T. and Bashford, G. R. 2009. Resolving the Lateral Component of Blood Flow Velocity Based on Ultrasound Speckle Size Change with Scan Direction and Speed. 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 491 – 494.
Xu, T. and Bashford, G. R. 2009. Further Progress on Lateral Flow Estimation Using Speckle Size Variation. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1383 – 1386.
Bashford, G. R., Lamb, D., Grone, D. L., Eckles, B., Kornelsen, K., Middendorf, L., and Williams, J. G. 2008. Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing Chip: Bead Loading by Automated Image Analysis. Proceedings CD, Institute for Biological Engineering (abstract)
Bashford, G. R., Augustin, T. R., Jorde, A. G., Augustin, T. A., and Burnfield, J. M. 2007. Physical Activity Classification Using Linear Discriminant Analysis on Fourier Parameters of Accelerometer Signals. Proceedings CD, Institute for Biological Engineering (abstract).
Jorde, A. G., Ogren, S. R., Augustin, T. R., Augustin, T. A., Bashford, G. R., and Burnfield, J. M. 2006. Plantar pressure variations during exercise on four pieces of commercially available cardiovascular equipment. Proceedings CD, American Society of Biomechanics (abstract).
Bashford, G. R. and Robinson, D. J. 2006. A comparison of feature tracking and autocorrelation for blood velocity and tissue motion estimation. Proceedings CD, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (abstract).
Peng, X., Draney, D., Volcheck, W., Bashford, G., Lamb, D., Grone, D., Zhang, Y., and Johnson, C. 2006. Phthalocyanine dye as an extremely photostable and highly fluorescent near-infrared labeling reagent, in Optical Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications, edited by S. Achilefu, D. Bornhop, and R. Raghavachari, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6097.
Erickson, B. N., Bashford, G. R., and Lane, P. H. 2005. Sex differences in the response to glucose tolerance testing in normal and fat-fed mice. Diabetes, 54 (Suppl 1):A620 (abstract).
Humphrey, P. G. and Bashford, G. R. 2005. Imposed Constraints on the Smith-Waterman Alignment Algorithm for Enhanced Modeling of a Single-Molecule DNA Sequencer, edited by H. Vakilzadian, H. Sharif, S. Seth, and K. Sayood, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology.
Bashford, G. R., Morse, J. L., and Melander, J.R. 2004. Novel fusion algorithms for medical ultrasound tomography, in Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5559
DiMartino, A., Doné, K.N., Judkins, T.N., Hallbeck, M.S., and Bashford, G.R. 2004. Effect of grip force on wrist range-of-motion, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Davis, L. M., Parker, W., Ball, D., Williams, J. G. K., Bashford, G. R., Sheaff, P., Eckles, R., Lamb, D., and Middendorf, L. 2001. Imaging of single-chromophore molecules in aqueous solution near a fused-silica interface, in Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences, A. Periasamy, P. T. So, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4262.
Davis, L. M., Parker, W., Ball, D., Kimble, K., Williams, J. G. K., Bashford, G. R. . Grone, D., Eckles, R., and Middendorf, L. 2001. Imaging single molecules in solution near a fused-silica interface. Biophysical Journal, 80, 160a.
Parker, W. C., Davis, L. M., Williams, J. G. K., Middendorf, L. R., and Bashford, G. R. 2000. Single-molecule imaging in solution with total internal reflection excitation, CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics), San Francisco, May 7-12.
Chiao, R. Y., Mo., L. Y., Hall, A. L., Bashford, G. R., et. al. 1999. Dynamic Blood Flow Imaging, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium.