Mohammad Omar Faruk Murad
Research Assistant Professor Biological Systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
L.W. Chase Hall 206
- Phone
- 100% research
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- VisNIR/MIR spectroscopy for predicting soil organic carbon
- Agricultural management for soil organic carbon sequestration
- Application of remote and proximal sensing
- Digital soil mapping for precision agriculture
- Spatial variability in soil physical properties
Research Profiles:
- Ph.D., School of Life and Environmental Sciences, The University of Sydney
- Masters by Research, Geotechnical Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
- B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology
• PhD
Research experience :
- Near‐Infrared (NIR) penetrometer system to predict soil carbon.
- Buggy system for monitoring soil moisture via Electromagnetic Induction (EM).
- Radio-frequency (RF) based soil moisture monitoring.
- Soil density measurement using piezo‐electric sensor.
- An automated hydrometer method using Time of Flight (ToF) distance sensor
- Crop health mapping system utilizing drone image processing.
Selected Publications
•"Machine Learning Optimised Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Retrieves Cotton Nitrogen Status". Marang IJ, Filippi P, Weaver TB, Evans BJ, Whelan BM, Bishop TF, Murad MO, Al-Shammari D, Roth G. Remote Sensing. 2021 Jan;13(8):1428.
•“Measuring soil bulk density from shear wave velocity using piezoelectric sensors” MOF Murad, B Minasny, B Malone, K Crossing. Soil Research 59.1 (2020): 107-117.
•“Automated soil particle size analysis using time of flight distance ranging sensor” MOF Murad, EJ Jones, B Minasny, Soil Science Society of America Journal 84.3 (2020): 690-699.
•“A Comparative Study between Structural Properties of Pre-Tensioned Inverted T-Girder and Actual Post-Tensioned Box Girder in Bridge Construction” Murad, O.F., Chik, Z., Mustafa, A., Nayan, K. A. M., Nural, A., Shikdar, K.H. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20.6 (2016): 2403-2409.
•“Geo-environmental characterizations in heavy metal and oil contaminated soil using soil electrical resistivity”, Chik, Z., Murad, O.F., Islam, T. Advances in Environmental Biology (AEB), American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI), Vol.8, No.22, pp. 138-146, December 2014.
•“Dependency of dry density of soil on water content in the measurement of electrical resistivity of soil”,Chik, Z., Murad, O.F., Rahmad, M. Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 141-145, June 2015.
•“Obtaining Chemical Properties through Soil Electrical Resistivity”, Omar Faruk Murad. Journal of Civil Engineering Research, Vol.2, No.6, pp. 120-128, June 2012. DOI: 10.5923/j.jce.20120206.08.
•“Evaluation on the Stability of Slope at Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FKAB) using Slope/w”, S Salween, KAM Nayan, MOF Murad. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, Vol.28, pp. 79-86, June 2016.
Recent Presentations
•“Monitoring Soil Water Use at the Plot Level Using Electromagnetic Induction Surveys”. MOF Murad, BMinasny, H Bramley, AB McBratney. Conference on science, technology, engineering and economics for Digital Agriculture (steeDA), 2019.
•“Hydrometer Test Automation Using Time of Flight Distance and Digital Temperature Sensor”, MOF Murad,B Minasny, E Jones. EGU General Assembly, 2019.
•“A novel technique for measuring soil density from shear wave velocity using piezoelectric sensors”, M O FMurad, B Minasny, BP Malone, K Crossing. National Soil Science Conference, 2018.
•“An Investigation on the Behaviour of Beam Structure Providing Less Reinforcement than MinimumRequirement of Reinforcement”, Murad, O.F.,Chik, Z., Rahman, M. K. In Proceedings of InternationalSciences, Technology and Engineering Conference (ISTEC 2014), Page(s):74-79.
•“Determination of Liquid and Plastic Limit of Soil Using Electrical Resistivity”, Murad, O.F., Chik, Z., Nayan K.A.M., Mitu S. M. In First International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and ConstructionMaterials (CICM 2015).</p