William Kranz
Emeritus Professor Biological systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
57905 866 Rd
Concord NE 68728-2828 - Phone
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Honors and Awards
- 2015 ASABE Heermann Sprinkler Irrigation Award
- 2015 Irrigation Association Partner of the Year - Center Pivot Team Award
- 2012 Commendation Award from Nebraska Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society
- 2010 Member of the College of Engineering Multi-Disciplinary Research Award
- Member of the team selected for the 2005 Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner's Water Conservation Award
- ASABE Education Aids Blue Ribbon Award for a DVD entitled: Assuring Efficient Center Pivot Irrigation
- Member of the UNL Departmental Teaching Award - Biological Systems Engineering
- Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State University - Ames
- M.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- B.S., Agricultural Engineering, South Dakota State University - Brookings
• Ph.D.
Selected Publications
Research Publications:
- Ahmed, Attia, Charles Shapiro, William Kranz, Mitiku Mamo, and Michael Mainz. 2015. Improved Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Corn following Soybean in Irrigated Sandy Soils. Soil Sci. Soc. of America 79:1693-1703. doi:10.2136/sssaj2015.05.0200.
- Ma, Rui, Tian Zhang, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Qi Yong, William Kranz, Daniel Snow, Terry Mader, Charles Shapiro, David Shelton, Simon van Donk, David Tarkalson, Steven Ensley. 2015. Influence of Soil Properties and Test Conditions on Sorption and Desorption of Testosterone. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 141(7):04015006. 10.1061(ASCE) EE1943-7890.0000937.
- Keller, J. K., Kranz, W., Hoy, R. M., Martin, D. L. 2015. Applying data from Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory to Predict Bare Diesel Engine Performance. Appl. Engr. In Agric. 31(1):33-42.
- Biswas, Sagor, William Kranz, Charles Shapiro, Mitiku Mamo, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel Snow, David Shelton, David Tarkalson, Terry Mader, Simon van Donk, Tian Zhang. 2013. Use of a Surrogate to Evaluate the Impact of Tillage on the Transport of Steroid Hormones from Manure Amended Agricultural Fields. Trans. of ASABE 56(4):1379-1385.
- Biswas, Sagor, Charles Shapiro, William Kranz, Terry Mader, David Shelton, Daniel Snow, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, David Tarkalson, Simon van Donk, Tian Zhang, Steve Ensley. 2013. Current Knowledge on the Environmental Fate, Potential Impact and Management of Growth Promoting Steroids Used in the US Beef Cattle Industry. J. of Soil and Water Cons. 68(4):325-336.
- Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon L., Shannon DeVivo, Leslie Johnson, Daniel D. Snow, William L. Kranz, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, Simon J. van Donk, David P. Shelton, David D. Tarkalson, Tian C. Zhang. 2013. Effect of Composting on the Fate of Steroids in Beef Cattle Manure. Environmental Science and Technology 42:1159-1166.
- van Donk, Simon J., Sagor Biswas, William L. Kranz, Daniel D. Snow, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, David P. Shelton, David D. Tarkalson, Tian C. Zhang, Steve Ensley. 2013. Transport of Steroid Hormones in the Vadose Zone after Land Application of Manure. Trans. of ASABE 56(4):1327-1338.
- Bartelt-Hunt, Shannon L., Daniel D. Snow, William L. Kranz, Terry L. Mader, Charles A. Shapiro, Simon J. van Donk, David P. Shelton, David D. Tarkalson, Tian C. Zhang. 2012. Effect of Growth Promotants on the Occurrence of Endogenous and Synthetic Steroid Hormones on Feedlot Soils and in Runoff from Beef Cattle Feeding Operations. Environmental Science and Technology 46(3):1352-1360. DOI: 10.1021/es202680q.
Extension Publications:
- Kranz, William, Charles Shapiro, Derrel Martin, Tim Shaver, Patricio Grassini, Bhupinder S. Farmaha, Gary Hergert, Suat Irmak, Chuck Burr, Aaron Nygren, Gary Zoubek. 2015. Irrigation and Nitrogen Management: User Education/Certification Program. EC2008. 117 pp. UNL Extension Division.
- Irmak, S., L.O. Odhiambo, W.L. Kranz, and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2011. Irrigation efficiency and uniformity and crop water use efficiency. EC732. UNL Extension Division.
- Ogg, Clyde L., Charles A. Shapiro, William L. Kranz, Leah Sandall, and Erin Bauer. 2011. Field Records for Restricted Use Pesticide Applications. EC2540 (revision). UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, William, Suat Irmak, Derrel Martin, Tim Shaver, Simon van Donk. 2014. Variable Rate Application of Irrigation Water with Center Pivots. EC2000. UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, William, Roger Elmore, and James Specht. 2012. Irrigating Soybean. NebGuide (revision) G1367-A. UNL Extension Division.
- Skipton, S., W. Kranz, J. Hygnstrom, W. Woldt. 2012. Private Drinking Water Wells: Water Sources. NebGuide G2150. UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, William L., Suat Irmak, Simon van Donk, C. Dean Yonts, and Derrel L. Martin. 2008. Irrigation Management for Corn. NebGuide (revision) G1850. UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, William L., Derrel L. Martin, Suat Irmak, Simon van Donk, and C. Dean Yonts. 2008. Minimum center pivot design capacities in Nebraska. NebGuide (revision) G1851. UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, William L., Suat Irmak, Derrel L. Martin, and C. Dean Yonts. 2007. Converting center pivot sprinkler packages: System considerations. NebGuide G1124. UNL Extension Division.
- Irmak, S., D.R. Hay, B.E. Anderson, W. L. Kranz, and C.D. Yonts. 2007. Irrigation management and crop characteristics of Alfalfa. NebGuide G1778 (revision). UNL Extension Division.
- Skipton, S., B. Dvorak, W. Woldt, W. Kranz. 2007. Drinking water treatment: Shock Chlorination. NebGuide G1761. UNL Extension Division.
- Yonts, C.D., W.L. Kranz, and D.L. Martin. 2007. Application Uniformity of In-Canopy Sprinklers. NebGuide G97-1337-A (revision). UNL Extension Division.
- Yonts, C.D., W.L. Kranz, and D.L. Martin. 2007. Water Loss from Above-Canopy and In-Canopy Sprinklers. NebGuide G97-1328-A (revision). UNL Extension Division.
- Kranz, Bill, Dean Yonts, and Derrel Martin. 2004. Operating characteristics of center pivot sprinklers. NebGuide G04-1532. UNL Extension Division.