Rogers Memorial Farm

75+ years of no-till research farm operations

Rogers Memorial Farm

Harvest at Dusk: Combines Work into the Night



The Rogers Memorial Farm is a no-till research farm owned by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is operated through the Department of Biological Systems Engineering in cooperation with several other University departments and USDA agencies. There are currently 30 ongoing research projects and 15 university classes that use the farm as an outdoor laboratory. Various groups also host extension trainings, tours and field days on the property.

The Rogers Memorial Farm is typical of many small dryland farms in southeast Nebraska. It is a half section farm (about 300 acres) and is located approximately 10 miles east of Lincoln, Nebraska. Several University classes use the farm as an outdoor laboratory for real-life situations and experiences.The terrain consists of two-thirds of sloping, terraced hills, while the other third is fairly flat, with two creeks, one to the south and the other on the east. The silty clay loam soils have fairly slow infiltration rates and show evidence of past erosion. The Department of Biological Systems Engineering has dedicated this farm to soil and water conservation activities, evaluating and demonstrating both cultural and structural practices.

Crops are raised using no-till tillage systems with rotations of corn-soybeans-soybeans on the level bottomland, soybeans-grain sorghum-soybeans-wheat on the sloping, terraced uplands, and some grain sorghum-soybeans in between.

  • Corn - about 25 acres
  • Soybeans - about 150 acres
  • Grain sorghum - about 40 acres
  • Wheat - about 35 acres

Both a 6- x 30-inch row-spacing planter and a 24- x 7.5-inch row-spacing drill are used for soybean and grain sorghum seeding. Crop rotations minimize insect and disease problems and allow for herbicide rotation in the weed control program.

In the News

Let’s take a trip to Nebraska to visit the Rogers Memorial Farm

Let’s take a trip to Nebraska to visit the Rogers Memorial Farm


  1. Avatar for Stuart Hoff
    Research Manager, Rogers Memorial Farm Biological Systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    CHA 229
    Lincoln NE 68583-0726
    Work 402-472-6332 On-campus 2-6332
  2. Avatar for Paul Jasa
    Extension Research Engineer Biological Systems Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    CHA 202
    Lincoln NE 68583-0726
    Work 402-472-6715 On-campus 2-6715