Richard R. Stowell
Professor, Biological Systems Engineering Emphasis Area: Sustainable Engineering Systems University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CHA 215
Lincoln NE 68583-0726 - Phone
- 75% Extension
- 25% Teaching
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
Teaching Interests
- Agricultural Engineering: light-frame structures
- Mechanized Systems Management: animal housing systems
- Graduate programs: animal environment and farm air quality
Extension Interests
- Animal housing systems
- Heat stress abatement
- Environmental enhancement
- Control of odor and gas emissions
- Extension Education
- Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University - East Lansing
- M.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- B.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Registered Professional Engineer, Wisconsin
• Ph.D., P.E.
Honors and Awards
- National Port Board Swine Innovation Award, Education Category
- ASAE Educational Aids Blue Ribbons (3), 1995 and 2001
Selected Publications
- Keener, H. M., D. L. Elwell, T. A. Menke, and R. R. Stowell. 2001. Design and performance of a High-rise™ hog facility manure drying bed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(5): 703-709.
- Elwell, D., H. Keener and R. Stowell. 1999. Less liquid, more options: The high route to managing hog manure. Biocycle, Journal of Composting & Recycling, October, pp. 36, 38.
- Kacira, M., T. H. Short, and R. R. Stowell. 1998. A CFD evaluation of naturally ventilated, multi-span, sawtooth greenhouses. Transactions of the ASAE 41(3):833-836.
- Stowell, R., S. Colgan, and M. Brumm. 2004. Zone heating for swine wean-to-finish facilities: A performance comparison. In: New Trends in Farm Buildings, Proceedings of the International Symposium of the CIGR (CD), Ed. Meneses, J. F., L. L. Silva, F. Baptista, and V. F. da Cruz. Universidade de Evora, Evora, Portugal.
- Stowell, R. R., C. A. Gooch, and W. G. Bickert. 2003. Design Parameters for Hot-Weather Ventilation of Dairy Housing: A Critical Review. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Dairy Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Gooch, C. A., and R. R. Stowell. 2003. Tunnel Ventilation for Freestall Facilities - Design, Environmental Conditions, Cow Behavior, and Economics. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Dairy Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell, R.R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Foster. 2001. High-riseTM hog facility. In: Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, pp. 273-282. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell, R.R., C.A. Gooch, and S. Inglis. 2001. Performance of tunnel ventilation for freestall dairy facilities as compared to natural ventilation with supplemental cooling fans. In: Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, pp. 29-40. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell, R.R., R. Bucklin, and R.W. Bottcher (Editors). 2001. Livestock Environment VI, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell, R. R. 2000. Heat stress relief and supplemental cooling. In: Dairy Housing and Equipment Systems: Managing and Planning for Profitability, NRAES-129, pp. 175-185. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Ithaca, NY 14853.
- Stowell, R. R., and S. Inglis. 2000. Sand for bedding. In: Dairy Housing and Equipment Systems: Managing and Planning for Profitability, NRAES-129, pp. 226-234. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Ithaca, NY 14853.
- Stowell, R. R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, and S. Foster. 2000. Gaseous emissions from a High-rise TM hog facility. For presentation at: Odors and VOC emissions 2000. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA 22314-1994.
- Stowell, R. R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Foster. 2000. High-RiseTM Hog Facility. In: Proceedings of the International Swine Housing Conference. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R.R., H. Keener, D. Elwell, T. Menke, and S. Inglis. 2000. Indoor air quality and pig performance within a High-riseTM hog facility. In: Swine Housing, Proceedings of the First International Conference, pp. 741-748. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Stowell, R. R., W. G. Bickert and F. V. Nurnberger. 1998. Radiant heating and thermal environment of metal-roofed dairy barns. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Dairy Housing Conference, pp. 193-200. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R. R. 1998. Bedding with sand: Design of sand-bedded stalls. In: Proceedings of the Ohio Dairy Conference, pp. 67-76. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Stowell, R. R., and W. G. Bickert. 1997. Heat stress characterization of dairy cattle in naturally ventilated barns using a thermal energy model. In: Livestock Environment V, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, pp. 218-225. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Bender, R., R. R. Stowell, and M. Veenhuizen. 1997. Natural Ventilation alternative for two-story barns. In: Livestock Environment V, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, pp. 743-747. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R. R. 1997. Recent developments and current issues in dairy facility design. In: Proceedings of the Michigan Veterinary Conference, pp. 562-565. Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, East Lansing, MI 48824.
- Stowell, R. R. 1997. Utilizing health and performance records in the livestock facility decision-making process. In: Proceedings of the Michigan Veterinary Conference, pp. 566-569. Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, East Lansing, MI 48824.
- Stowell, R. R., H. Keener, P. R. Goodrich, and S. Foster. 2002. Gas and odor emissions from High-rise™ and deep-pit swine finishing facilities, ASAE paper #02-4122. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
- Mescher, T., T. Menke, R. Stowell, M. Veenhuizen, and H. Keener. 1999. Design, performance, and economics of a high rise swine finishing building, Paper #994107. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Keener, H., D. Elwell, T. Menke, and R. Stowell. 1999. Design and management of a High-Rise™ hog facility manure drying bed, Paper #994108. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Strobel, B. R., A. J. Heber, and R. R. Stowell. 1999. A mobile monitoring system for measuring air quality from confined livestock facilities, Paper #993189. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Wolfe, K. E., and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Slump tests can predict the solids content of dairy manure and similar non-Newtonian fluids, Paper #994098. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Wolfe, K. E., and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Comparison of hoppers and hopper configurations for gravity flow systems, Paper #994099. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Wolfe, K. E., and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Developing a model to simulate the flow of dairy manure through a gravity flow system, Paper #994100. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R., D. Elwell, B. Strobel, and H. Keener. 1999. Air flow and air quality within a High-Rise™ hog facility, Paper #994120. Presented at: Annual International ASAE Meeting. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R. R., and A. McKenney. 1998. Solids content analysis of dairy farm flushwater in storage and at critical points of the waste stream. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting, Paper #984120. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Kacira, M., T. H. Short, and R. R. Stowell. 1998. A CFD evaluation of naturally ventilated, multi-span, sawtooth greenhouses. Transactions of the ASAE 41(3):833-836.
- Kacira, M., T. H. Short, and R. R. Stowell. 1997. A fluid dynamic evaluation of naturally ventilated gutter-connected greenhouses. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting, Paper #974059. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
- Stowell, R. R. 1997. Evaluating dairy farms for expansion potential. Presented at: Dairy Expansion Conference: When your dairy client wants to expand. The Ohio State University Extension & College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Stowell, R. R., and W. G. Bickert. 1996. Warm season heat transfer model for dairy cattle in naturally ventilated facilities. Presented at: ASAE Annual International Meeting, Paper #964061. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085
- Bickert, W. G., and R. R. Stowell. 1997. Plan Guide for Free Stall Systems, Second edition. Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538.
- Bickert, W. G., G. R. Bodman, B. J. Holmes, D. W. Kammel, J. M. Zulovich, and R. Stowell. 1997. Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment, Sixth Edition. Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.
- Stowell, R., and C. Henry. 2004. The economic impacts of various public-policy scenarios for methane recovery on dairy farms. 2003-2004 Nebraska Dairy Report, p. 6-9. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
- Stowell, R.R., and C. Henry. 2003. The economic potential of methane recovery: Projected impacts of various public-policy scenarios. 2003 Nebraska Swine Report, pp. 52-55. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
- Stowell, R.R. 2002. Applicability of High-riseTM hog housing for finishing operations. 2002 Nebraska Swine Report. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
- Eastridge, M.L., and S. Steel (Ed.). [R. Stowell, Technical contributor]. 2001. Questions pertaining to large dairy enterprises in Ohio: Environment. Extension Fact Sheet AS-9-01. The Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, Ohio.
- Strobel, B. R., and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Using a psychrometric chart to describe air properties. Extension factsheet, AEX-120-99. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Strobel, B. R., R. R. Stowell, and T. H. Short. 1999. Evaporative cooling pads: use in lowering indoor air temperature. Extension factsheet, AEX-127-99. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Butalia, T., P. Dyer, R. Stowell and W. Wolfe. 1999. Construction of livestock feedlot and hay storage pads using FGD material. Extension factsheet, AEX-332-99. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Bender, R., and R. Stowell. 1998. Chimneys: A natural ventilation alternative for two-story barns. Extension factsheet, AEX 115-98. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Stowell, R. R., and W. G. Bickert. 1995. Storing & handling of sand-laden dairy manure, Extension bulletin, E-2561, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824.
- Arnold, G. J., R. R. Stowell and B. Strobel. 1998. Pit ventilation systems for swine buildings. Extension factsheet, AEX 150-98. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Mescher, T., K. Wolfe, R. Stowell and H. Keener. 1997. Swine composting site selection. Extension factsheet, AEX 712-97. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Mescher, T., K. Wolfe, S. Foster and R. Stowell. 1997. Swine composting facility design. Extension factsheet, AEX 713-97. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.
- Stowell, R. 2001. Pit additives. Manure Matters newsletters, Vol. 7, No. 8