Academic Advisors

Each student is assigned an adviser in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering. Advisers help with scheduling of classes, scholarship applications, internships, and many other questions regarding education and careers. The following is a list of the Department of Biological Systems Engineering advisers. Click on a name for his or her contact information. If you have any questions about advising, please contact Jenna Hefley at or (402) 472-9342.

AGEN Advisors

Roger Hoy

Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, Director of Nebraska Test Laboratory
Advising Emphasis:
Freshmen Test Engineering
East Campus (Lincoln)
132 Splinter Labs
Roger Hoy

Joe D. Luck

Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, Precision Agriculture Engineer
Associate Director Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center (ENREEC)
Advising Emphasis:
Test Engineering
East Campus (Lincoln)
204 L.W. Chase Hall

BSEN Advisors

Greg Bashford

Professor and Biomedical Engineer
Chair, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Advising Emphasis:
Biomedical Engineering
East Campus (Lincoln)
230 L.W. Chase Hall

Nicole M. Iverson

Associate Professor and Biomedical Nanotechnology Specialist
East Campus (Lincoln)
260 Morrison Center
Nicole M. Iverson

Jennifer Keshwani

Associate Professor and Science Literacy Specialist
East Campus (Lincoln)
249 L.W. Chase Hall

Adam J. Liska

Associate Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, Program Coordinator, Energy Science Minor
Advising Emphasis:
Environment and Water Resources
East Campus (Lincoln)
236 L.W. Chase Hall
Adam J. Liska

Francisco Muñoz-Arriola

Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics and Integrated Hydroclimate
Advising Emphasis:
Environment and Water Resources
East Campus (Lincoln)
620 Hardin Hall
Francisco Muñoz-Arriola

Angela K. Pannier

Swarts Family Chair of Biological Systems Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Advising Emphasis:
Biomedical Engineering
East Campus (Lincoln)
368 Morrison Life Science Center

MSYM Advisors

Deepak R. Keshwani

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs
Courtesy Faculty, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Faculty Fellow
Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute Faculty Fellow
Advising Emphasis:
Mechanized Systems Management
East Campus (Lincoln)
222 L.W. Chase Hall
Photo of Dr Deepak Keshwani

Santosh Pitla

Associate Professor, Advanced Machinery Systems
Advising Emphasis:
Upper-Class Students
East Campus (Lincoln)
205 L.W. Chase Hall

Richard R. Stowell

Professor of Biological Systems Engineering
Advising Emphasis:
Upper-class Students
East Campus (Lincoln)
215 L.W. Chase Hall
Richard R. Stowell