Career Opportunities

Campus interview schedules and internship listings are posted on the bulletin board by the main staircase on the first floor of Chase Hall.

Current students at UNL can access the career services web site for additional opportunities and company interview schedules or enroll with the career center for job postings. East campus students can register with the career center in the East Campus Union, Room 301. Students can also look online for campus jobs for internships, work-study opportunities, and more. Other resources: 


Internships are a valuable component and add perspective to the educational experience by providing students with the opportunity to immerse themselves into a work environment that may aid in future career decisions. Taking the time to look and explore options may net a good paying internship. Academic credit is available with a few internships. Internships may be paid or not, while co-op employment is always paid. Either experience provides full-time or part-time employment for the student.

There are many ways to secure an internship. Career Services, job fairs, direct contact, and student and faculty networks have all been successful methods of securing career experience.