Hall of Fame Award

Hall of Fame Awards Description and Procedures for Selection

Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Deadline for submissions: July 1, 2024. For questions, email mark.stone@unl.edu

I.         Eligible recipients:   

There are generally one or more Hall of Fame Awards given annually. Graduates of the University of Nebraska’s Department of Biological Systems Engineering and its predecessor (The Agricultural Engineering Department) and others who have provided valuable leadership and made a long-lasting impact in academic, business, industry, government, and service-related endeavors as well as to the goals and mission of the Department. Past awardees are not eligible. 

II.         Hall of Fame Award Nomination Requirements:

Nominations for the Hall of Fame Award should include a cover letter including the name and contact information of the nominee. The nomination must provide a summary of the education of the nominee, including the career history and significant contributions to the Biological and Agricultural Engineering profession and to the UNL Department of Biological Systems Engineering. It should include a list of honors and awards that the nominee has received. And, when appropriate, it should describe the products and/or services provided by the nominee’s employer(s).

III.         Selection Committee:

The Hall of Fame Award Committee, appointed annually by the Department Head, is tasked with receiving and soliciting nominations and selecting preferred candidate(s) for recommendation to the BSE faculty. The committee must be knowledgeable about the department's tripartite mission and the diversity of its academic programs. Committee members shall endeavor to be familiar with department alumni and with those who have made significant long-term contributions and had an impact on the department and its goals and mission.

IV.         Type of Recognition:

The BSE Department will organize a Fall Banquet event on campus to recognize the recipient (s) of the Early-Career Excellence, Mid-Career Excellence, and Hall of Fame Award. The recipient(s) will also engage with graduate and undergraduate students in the department as part of this event. The recipient(s) will be recognized with a plaque or certificate and publicized in Chase Hall and through a press release.

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Nomination letter Required
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